Monday, October 26, 2009

looking straight ahead...

Dear blog neighbours and friends... I feel a shift within me...I feel that the glumb of the past couples of weeks has lifted enough for me to enjoy living again. It's a scary place to be; on the edge of falling down that deep abyss of depression, and I'm am humbly grateful for every ounce of love and support that was sent my way here and within my tribe. Our situation is still precarious...but today, I feel I am capable of coping with what's coming our way.

So, in honor of my recent plunge and (thank Goddess!) emergence, here's one of my favorite songs that helps me soar.

Peace from my heart to your heart,


Sorrow said...

Just came by to leave a ((((HUG))))
thinking about you...

Sarah Sullivan said...

So glad you are feeling better dear Oat! I have been through enought in my life to truly understand your words! Whoo hoo..happy dancin for you!!
hugs, Sarah