Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Wishcasting Wednesday ~ Daring myself

My friends didn't enjoy playing "truth or dare" with me in high school because more often than not it was easier for me to tell my truth than look ridiculous in some act of dare. Even back then, I was the strong, serious type...

So when Jamie asked us to dare something into our lives today, I knew I had to choose humour.

It's scary for me to put myself out there in a silly kinda way...what if I'm not funny and look like I'm desperate to be the centre of attention instead.
There's too much to deal with day to day that needs a serious mindset to tackle and overcome...if I don't take life seriously and do it all with focus, who will?

The need for more humour in my life has been calling me for years was a toss up for my 2009 word in fact (Tenacity won), and as I notice myself sighing more through the days lately, as I notice a tightening in my chest when chaos ensues (or my perception of it), and when I can't even appreciate the beautiful & bountiful way my partner laughs through the shit anymore...well, it's time to call in the big ask Goddess and the Universe to lay it on me, baby.

Today I wish to open myself up to the dare of funniness in lieu of seriousness. Comicalness, smack me upside the head with your play-full banter and clowning, your gay-full gags and your jesting, your lightness all over my darkness. Lift me up with buckets of whimsy and buffoonery...

Go ahead, I dare you.


Edited: In the few minutes it took to write this...I feel lighter, I feel more open...I feel my wish already manifesting...


Suzie Ridler said...

As WRO wishes, I wish for her also.

Wow, can I ever relate, I'm super serious girl too! Awesome dare and wish, I know how hard this is, you can do it. Hope it is fun and that you end up loving embracing humour into your life.

Jane said...

In my first marriage, I had become so shut down; my sense of laughter and humor was almost dead. After the divorce, my humor came back and smacked me over the head. I even bought a pair of those cheap nerd glasses in the gag aisle and wore them in the produce department while I shopped with my kids. I would pick up a cantelope and yell, "My God! This is the biggest tangerine I've ever seen!' It sure got a few looks but it was funny as hell and I enjoyed my playful side immensely ;))

As you wish for yourself today, I wish for you too!

Lawendula said...

As WRO wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.:)

WrightStuff said...

I could tell you some really bad jokes here... but it may prove too much of a setback! Instead, I share with you this little YouTube link on laughing - quite the maddest thing you ever saw!
Then, for some real humour... the funniest UK TV moment ever!

Barbara/myth maker said...

Be a fool, it will release you from so much!

As you wish for yourself today, so I wish for you, as well.

Jen said...

As WRO wishes, I wish for her also. What a wonderful wonderful wish!~

Congratulations! I have chosen you as one of my recipients of the Best Blog Award. Please check out my post for details and a link for the picture that goes along with the award.

Tabitha the KnittingJourneyman said...

As you wish for yourself, I so wish for you as well….

LMA said...

As WRO wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

I so sympathize. I was born serious. On one interpretation of my astrological chart, nearly every planetary position, aspect and house begins with "you are serious about everything you do." Of course, my sense of humor is rather dark, and I sometimes worry about offending people with it -- another reason I tend to go the serious route.

Here's to taking the humorous road!

Karen D said...

As WRO wishes for herself, so I wish for her also. May it be so.
I was the same way, I would always pick truth not dare!

Beverley Baird said...

As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also.

Sorrow said...

may your days be full of laughter.

Amy said...

As you wish so I wish for you! I wish you days filled with laughter and humor!

SunTiger said...

In honor of your desire to add more humor into your life -- I share this little bit of personal experience. {I related to why you might feel timid about being silly}.

I realized that I adored people with a great sense of humor and supposed that "letting go" and being silly myself at times would help them to become more enamored with ME as well.

That was years ago. Now feedback always comes back to me that I make people feel very welcomed, they think I'm the life of the party and they're very glad when I'm around.

GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR AMBITION (watch and read comedy and by beholding you'll become much funnier; spontaneously)

Jules said...

As WRO wishes for herself, I so wish for her also.

Live, LAUGH, Love

Sulwyn said...

As WRO wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

Anonymous said...

As WRO wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

Nadya said...

Tee Hee - laughing with you!
A dear friend is certified to teach 'Laughter Yoga' (how silly is that?!) & said that research shows folks get just as much benefit from 'fake' laughter as from the real thing - this is a wonderful wish!

Jane's comments on the 'nerd glasses' reminds me of my LOUD interactions with a friend's adult, but mentally different son - he lives in a group home, & walks all over town. Whenever we see each other, he booms out "OH NO!! NOT YOU!!!" & I'll yell back "Yep, Scott, you just can't get rid of me!" (or something similar)
We often get rather stunned looks - he usually shakes his head (smiling) & ambles on, while I chuckle to myself.

May your wish be made manifest!

Laura said...

yay for silly! I have been going through some tough time, one ms exacerbation after another...but I find humor to be profoundly healing...I make my doctors and nurses laugh and other patients in waiting rooms and at pt...Now my voice is completely ridiculous because of lesions on my I don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings but I sound like a drunken todler crossed with a sweet lady hostess at a chinese take-out/not trying to be just that English my first it sound like maybe second or voice is high pitched syntax is all confused...I'm thinking when life gives me lemons-make funny chinese fortune cookies-maybe my next career...if I cannot laugh at my crazy voice, I'm missing the fun of being disabled...maybe that sounds heartless...but really its about a bigger heart...loving myself with all of my new and constantly changing idiosyncrasies. Even voice I hear in my head is now like one that come out of my mouth and now even when I type...have to laugh...crying is ok for a little while, but how soggy does one want to be...sometimes I laugh so hard at myself, I cry anyway...because, well, i funny! so find the humor in every situation...even the difficult ones. Best way to bring light and healing into the world!

Expressive Hart said...

As WRO wish for herself, so I wish for her also. Funny, I just did a blog post on Laughter last Friday. have FUN with it all!!!